Retrace Your Dance Journey - Chapter [Flow]

About the ZoukDanceCamp
It will be transformational! This program has everything you need to enhance your dance; a family-like atmosphere, structured training, great teachers, a beautiful hotel with delicious food, amazing people to learn together, and all of these in one place! Beware! You might not want to come back

OPTIONAL EXTRAS: Additional Private Classes
*Event ticket doesn’t include transport or travel insurance.
○ Apply Before 28 Feb 2023 (Early Bird) €1665
(Loyal ZDC Student = €1499 - Saving €166)
○ Apply Before 31 March 2023 (Super Saver) €1765
(Loyal ZDC Student = €1589 - Saving €176)
○ Apply After 1 Apr 2023 (Normal Price) €1865
(Loyal ZDC Student = €1679 - Saving €186)

Class Topics & Schedule
In Flow Chapter, you will learn mainly about Flow technique, but you will also learn about Grounding, Lead & Follow, and Building Your Dance. Which means that you can join even if you haven’t attended any of the previous Chapters.
You will have a deep dive in Flow so there will be enough time to practice and master this element and still learn how it works with the other topics. This allows you to gain a full overview of #BrendersonTechnique.
See below the daily schedule. (Please note there may be slight changes during the programme.)
Along with classes & teacher assisted practice, there are also non-assisted practice / free-time, with daily socials.
(Click the days or arrows to expand)
- 15:00 Hotel Room Check-in Opens
- 15:00 – 19:00 Free Time
- 19:00 – 21:00 Welcome Dinner & Drinks! (2 hours)
- 21:00 – 01:00 Social Party (4 hours)
- 07:00 – 10:00 Breakfast (3 hours)
- 10:00 – 11:00 Non-assisted Practice / Free-Time (1 hour)
- 11:00 – 12:30 Workshop (1 hour 30 mins)
- 12:30 – 13:30 Teacher Assisted Practice (1 hour)
- 13:30 – 13:45 Quiet Contemplation Time for Memory Retention (15 mins)
- 13:45 – 16:00 Lunch (2 hours 15 mins)
- 15:00 – 16:00 Non-assisted Practice / Free-Time / Nap (1 hour)
- 16:00 – 17:30 Workshop (1 hour 30 mins)
- 17:30 – 18:30 Teacher Assisted Practice (1 hour)
- 18:30 – 18:45 Quiet Contemplation Time for Memory Retention (15 mins)
- 18:45 – 21:00 Dinner (2 hours 15 mins)
- 21:00 – 00:00 Social Party (3 hours)
- 08:00 – 12:00 Breakfast
- 12:00 Check-out, and goodbyes!
To qualify for this Zouk dance camp, you must show proficiency in at least 10 out of these 13 movements below. There may be some exceptions, please see our FAQ What if I don’t meet all the pre-requisites but still want to join?
- Basic (Passo Basico)
- Viradinha -> 90 degrees and 180 degrees
- Simple Turn
- Elástico "Raul"
- Lateral
- Soltinho (Turn of the Follower, turn of the Leader)
- Abertura (Opening)
- Lunge
- Yo Yo
- Chicote
- Boneca (head movement on the spot)
- Snake
- Ondinha ou Cobrinha (Body Roll)
- We highly recommend applications with a FIXED partner, but you can also make a single application and join the Rotation Group. We will balance any single sign ups as best as we can.
- If you are unsure about meeting the requirements, contact us on social media or by email and we will assess your case individually, so we can give you guidance.
06 - 13 June 2023
(8 days 7 nights)
* Each person (individuals or couples), need to fill in their own application form.
Additional Private Classes
Anderson & Brenda are happy to offer some additional private class during the event. This is perfect for anyone wanting to strengthen any particular areas. There are very limited slots available, so make a swift decision. Schedule to be confirmed.
Finding a Partner
We highly recommend you find a dance partner to sign up with because based on past experience and our previous ZoukDanceCamps, those who signed up with partners showed incredible results of the biggest improvements. This is because they are able to practice with a body they are already familiar with and are comfortable giving each other sincere feedback. Another advantage is your fixed partner is someone who you are likely able to practice with after the ZoukDanceCamps for further development.
Looking for a Partner? Post here:
Hotel, Venue & Address
The Most Comfortable Learning Environment!
Hotel/Venue Address:
📍 🔗Hotel Gwarek Ustroń, ul. Wczasowa 49, 43-450 Ustroń, Poland
Nearest Airport:
✈️ Travel Guide TBC
How To Get There:
🗺️ 🔗Travel/Transport Guide TBC

Apply early and save more! The prices below are based on the date you submit your application. Our loyal ZDC students and their partner also get a huge 10% saving and are offered the spots first! If you are offered a spot for this Chapter 1, you will be eligible for Loyalty Discounts and the first offer of applying to our other Zouk Dance Camps (i.e. Chapter 2) and ChillZouk events! Learn more about
If you receive a spot offer, please ensure payments are made within 14 days otherwise the spot will be canceled and offered to someone else. You will lose the best price and have to apply again if you wish to join (subject to availability). Secure your spot now with only a deposit of €399. Please note, no payment is taken when filling out the application form, we only ask for payment after a spot offer.
IMPORTANT: By applying, it does not mean an automatic spot offer! We ask for your patience as we review applications. We kindly ask you not to make any travel plans until your spot is confirmed.
○ Apply Before 28 Feb 2023 (Early Bird) €1665
(Loyal ZDC Student = €1499 - Saving €166)
○ Apply Before 31 March 2023 (Super Saver) - EXTENDED UNTIL 7 April! €1765
(Loyal ZDC Student = €1589 - Saving €176)
○ Apply After 1 Apr 2023 (Normal Price) €1865
(Loyal ZDC Student = €1679 - Saving €186)
Value Summary
Unbeatable Value!
Near benefits of taking private classes at a fraction of the cost and this all includes full-board!
Have questions? Chat to us on 🔗Facebook!
* Each person (Individuals or couples), need to fill in their own application form.
Learn more about 🔗LOYALTY DISCOUNTS!